Therapeutic massage is the stimulation of the soft tissue in whole-body areas to generalize health changes, such as relaxation or better sleep, or particular physical benefits, such as relief of muscle aches and pains. That stress, anxiety and depression symptoms (all related to mental health) can be directly affected by massage therapy. Ling believed that energetic massage could bring about healing by improving blood and lymph circulation. Complementary therapists have adapted Swedish massage over the past 30 to 40 years to put greater focus on the psychological and spiritual dimensions of treatment. Many methods originate from various European massage practices. Through reflexology, it is assumed that parts of the foot refer to the body's organs or structures. Damage or disease in an organ is expressed in the corresponding region of the foot, or reflex zone. This zone's palpation elicits discomfort or a sense of pricking, no matter how softly pressure is applied....